Having your IP address blacklisted can cause all sorts of complications, especially if you use the internet on a daily basis. Generally, this happens when a virus or malware infects your computer, thereby making your IP address threatening according to admins. If this has happened to you, take these measures.
Locate Your IP Address
Before you can take any action against these blacklists, you must first locate your computer or device's IP address. Only then will you know more about what domains you have been blacklisted from. This process is fairly straightforward and shouldn't take too long.
First, you'll need to access a major search engine. Type in the words 'what's my IP address', and you will be taken to various sites. Choose a site near the top, and then you'll be redirected to a page displaying your external IP address. Now, you can move forward in your investigation.
Check DNS Settings
After locating your computer's IP address, you should move forward and check to see if your DNS settings are correct. A bulk of the blacklists occur when these settings are not in order, after all.
Make sure the DKIM is working properly and that the SPF is valid. The MX settings also need to be configured, because if they aren't, bulk emails could result in getting you blacklisted unfairly. Finally, ensure that the hostname has an A record. Also known as address record, A record points domains and subdomains to an IP address correctly.
Complete a Request Form
Once you're able to find out which sites you have been blacklisted from, you should follow up by submitting request forms online. They help you state why you believe you shouldn't be blacklisted and detail the measures you've taken to make your IP address more secure.
In these requests forms, you need to be as concise and accurate as possible. After all, network administrators that handle these requests have a full workload. Any errors with your request forms will only delay the blacklist removal process and could inhibit your ability to use certain sites in the meantime.
You never want to click on a website only to find out that you have been blacklisted. Whether it's because of spam, complaint rates, or excessive email volumes, you shouldn't have to deal with this denied access. Take proactive measures and follow the correct criteria regarding your system settings to deal with these blacklists accordingly.
For more information on IP blacklist removal, contact your local specialist.
Share26 February 2018
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